Sick of feeling trapped & isolated in your pumping routine?

Get the freedom you deserve & start enjoying life with your new baby.

Exclusive pumping can make you feel like a prisoner

— on house arrest, chained to the wall, in a straight jacket.

pumping prison break

– You feel like you can never leave the house because you’re on a strict schedule and you don’t want to miss a pumping session and pumping on-the-go feels really overwhelming.

– You feel chained to the wall because during those pumping sessions that seem to last FOR.EV.ER, you can only move around as far as the end of the cord plugged into the wall.

– And you feel like you’re stuck in a straight jacket, holding onto the flanges, unable to do anything but stare at the TV, if you remembered to turn it on, or maybe scroll through your phone if you can manage the one-arm hold.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can be a pumping mom and still have the same freedom as any other mom.

Get the 3-part plan to having the freedom to pump anywhere, anytime:

pumping prison break 3 step plan

This is for you if...

Grab the ebook now!


Here’s what you’ll get:

  • How to make a hands-free pumping bra
  • How to make ANY pump more mobile
  • Your foolproof plan for stress-free pumping on-the-go
  • Printable checklists & cheatsheet
pumping prison break ebook

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