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Exclusive Pumping Made Easy

Get more time & freedom in your pumping routine — without hurting your milk supply — so you can relax & enjoy life with your new baby.

Do you want...

If you’re struggling with pumping, but you’re not willing to stop just for the sake of “having it easier”, then this program is for you.

Here's what you'll get..

  • support in finding your ideal pumping routine that’s unique to you.

  • more flexibility in your schedule while still making enough milk to feed your baby.

  • freedom during your pumping sessions without spending any extra money on expensive pumping gear.

  • a personalized plan to EP for 1 year or more despite everyone who tells you it’s “unsustainable”.

  • a solution to tackle the stuff in your routine that carries the biggest mental and physical work for you – pumping, feeding baby, dishes… and if you have an oversupply, your freezer stash!

Click below to get started now!

Photo Dec 03 2023, 6 47 28 PM

Hey there, I'm Lauren!

I’ve been where you are. I exclusively pumped for my 1st baby and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

The 1st few weeks of EP were the actual worst.

  • My newborn cried ALL.THE.TIME. — if she wasn’t eating or sleeping, she was crying.

  • My husband worked the night shift, so I had very little help at home.

  • We had just moved to a new state— 3 ½ hours away from family and friends — so I didn’t have a “village” to support me.

  • I also didn’t have the $$$ to spend on expensive pumps, bras, and other pumping gear.

I went to see a lactation consultant, but she focused mainly on getting my baby to latch, and I didn’t get any practical advice for pumping. So I had to do my own research.

I spent countless hours Googling, reading blogs, and scrolling through forums and support group posts, until I finally found a routine that allowed me to pump for 15 months without feeling stressed out all the time.

I went from...

Baby crying

dealing with the torture of listening to my baby scream during my pumping sessions...

Happy baby

...to being able to tend to her needs while pumping.

feeling rushed and pulled in every direction...

...to actually having free time in my day to relax and enjoy snuggling with my baby.

supplementing with formula...

...to needing to buy an extra freezer to store all the milk I was making.

Girl crying

crying and wanting to quit every single day...

...to feeling like EP was no big deal and it was no longer controlling my life.

And I'm here to support you in doing the same.

Here's what happens next..

Fill out the form

After you purchase, you'll get a confirmation email with a short form to fill out. This will help me understand your situation & what you'd like support with.

Set up Voxer

After you fill out the form, you'll get an email with instructions on how to connect with me on Voxer.

Get your personalized plan

Your 2 weeks of Voxer support will start as soon as everything is set up. We'll look at your supply, schedule, and pumping routine and work together to make it better!

60 day money back guarantee

60-day, 100% Money Back Guarentee

I’d say trust me on this, but I’d rather let you decide for yourself! That’s why I’m offering this service at NO RISK to you.

I also know how crazy overwhelming life can be with a new baby, especially when you’re exclusively pumping.

So I’m giving you 2 full months to get the 1:1 support and try the plan and strategies we talk about.

Then after all that, if you still feel like you’re in the same place you started from, I will give you a full refund.

You have absolutely NOTHING to lose!

Get started now!


Here's a reminder of what you'll get:


Here’s a list of things we can talk about:

  • Low supply issues – How to increase milk supply while exclusively pumping
  • Freezer stash – How to store & organize your extra milk; Simple routines for rotating your freezer stash
  • Getting started – How to exclusively pump from birth; Essentials; How to safely store milk & wash bottles and pump parts
  • Your pumping schedule – Set schedule vs. on-demand; Which is right for you; Other scheduling questions
  • Your pumping station – Essentials; Setting up your pumping station to lower stress
  • Washing & sanitizing bottles & pump parts – How to clean them safely; Safe hacks for making this quick and easy
  • Pumping & feeding baby at the same time – How to set it up; How to burp baby while pumping
  • Pumping on-the-go – How to never forget anything; dealing with rude strangers; finding a place to pump; how to safely store your milk & wash your pump parts
  • Caring for older children – Ideas for entertaining them while pumping; How to make ANY pump more mobile so you can help them without being stuck in one spot
  • Any other pumping-related questions you have.

PLEASE NOTE: I’m a postpartum doula, not a medical professional, so I can’t diagnose or treat any medical issues.

YES! You can. I know it might sound weird for me to be telling you that, since I’m here trying to sell you something. But yes, I absolutely believe you can because that’s what I did.

There’s a crap-ton of free resources out there – but that’s actually part of the problem.

I had to spend countless hours Googling, reading blogs, and scrolling through forums and support group posts…

It took an entire month for me to find a routine that I was happy with and allowed me to EP for 15 months.

Even now, I’m still finding out new hacks & strategies I wish I knew then.

You shouldn’t have to spend as much time as I did figuring it all out on your own.

I’m not gonna try to make you think you can’t do this without me. I’m here to invite you to get my support with this, so you can get where you want to be FASTER.

Because I know the sooner you find a pumping routine that gives you more free time & flexibility, the sooner you’ll be able to relax and enjoy life with your new baby.

60 days, 100% money back. I totally get it.

If you’re anything like me, you’re cautious about spending money and you want whatever you buy to be worth it.

My goal is for you to EP and still enjoy your life. And you can have that by finding a pumping routine that gives you more free time & flexibility while still pumping enough milk to feed your baby.

If by the end of the 60 days, you still feel like you’re in the same place you started from, I will give you a full refund. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose!

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